Alpha 1.3 - May 2019

  • Added 18 new omni-upgrades.
  • Added 4 new omni-challenges.
  • Reduced cost scaling for light-dark studies.
  • Buffed time study 221 (1.0025^ > 1.009^)
  • Nerfed time study 222 (2 > 1)
  • Buffed time study 223 (7 > 150 galaxies)
  • Buffed time study 224 (2000 > 850 dimboosts)
  • Buffed time study 225 (1e1000 > 1e308 replicanti)
  • Buffed time study 226 (15 > 8 RGs)
  • Buffed time study 227 (^10 > ^300)
  • Heavy nerf to time dimensions 5-8: exponent decrease and power reduction
  • Alpha 1.2 - March 2019

    NG↑↑ Updates:

  • Added first 3 omni-challenges.
  • Increased cost scaling for the light/dark studies, now 500^bought instead of 500*bought.
  • Other updates:

  • Added 3 new time studies, mostly for convenience.
  • Added achievement reward for "Eternities are the new infinity": you gain 3000x eternitied stat on longer eternities.
  • Fixed bug with said achievement reward: only eternities longer than 1 minute would get the boost.
  • Fixed a bug where the page wouldn't load because the player had no dilation studies.
  • Aarex hasn't released Ghostify, still.
  • Alpha 1.1 - March 2019 - Time to ruin everyone's saves

    NG↑↑ Updates:

  • Tried - and failed - to add break_eternity.js.
  • Added omnipotence autobuyer. Currently it only does a specific amount, but more options will be unlocked later.
  • omni-upgrades received a few minor buffs. Replicators are now more powerful in the end-game.
  • omni-dimension graviton cost scaling greatly reduced. Everyone's ODs are reset, though.
  • Passive TT gen upgrade cost increased again (1e30 DT > 1e100 DT)
  • Dilation requires 1e1000 OP now. It's basically been removed at this point. I'll add it back later.
  • Added a new achievement, but you can't get it.
  • You can always break infinity. No one likes the grind to 65k IP.
  • Extra reward for "error": you now start omnipotence runs with 100 eternities. Again, no one likes grinding.
  • Other updates:

  • Fixed a bug where the QoL buttons wouldn't say ON or OFF when the page was reloaded.
  • Still haven't imported Tree of Decay and the other recent Aarex updates... Hurry up, Aarex.
  • Alpha 1.0 - March 2019 - Surpassing NG++

    NG↑↑ Updates:

  • Added first 10 omni-upgrades.
  • Finished first 4 omni-challenges.
  • Pushed end-game to 1e100 OP.
  • Added more omni-milestones - you can now keep eternity upgrades and eternity challenges on omnipotence.
  • Fixed a bug where you had to go omnipotent 1 more time than necessary for the milestone to be applied.
  • omni-milestones require 3x more omni-stat instead of 5x.
  • Removed buff to tickspeed threshold for time dimensions. It was way too overpowered. An upgrade for it will probably be added later, though.
  • OC1 reward nerfed: ^(Math.log10(bought) / 10) > ^((Math.log10(bought) - 1) / 50 + 1)
  • OC2 requirement greatly reduced.
  • Unlocking dilation requires 1e100 OP. (You can't get to 1e100 OP yet, so it's basically disabled for now.)
  • Passive TT gen upgrade cost increased again (1e25 DT > 1e30 DT)
  • omni-dimensions scale now, similar to normal dimensions. Hopefully this fixes the true Infinity issue.
  • Requirement for "Dilation was a bad idea" increased (1e10 TP > 1e15 TP)
  • Achievement rewards work now. (This took me way too long to fix)
  • Other updates:

  • You can actually get to this changelog by clicking the Changelog button.
  • Aarex has finally noticed that I forked his project... He added my theme to the official NG+++ repository. :)
  • When using the void theme, you can actually read the text in the popups.
  • Secret achievement base can now be adjusted to suit your needs. (It used to be set to a static 1.5)
  • Hide tabs used in NG↑↑ when they haven't been unlocked or you are in another mode.
  • Fixed bug where the secret achievement base would automatically reset to 1.5 on refresh, which could mess up stuff.
  • Fixed bug where time study costs wouldn't show up when outside of NG↑↑.
  • Fixed bug which prevented the notation from being anything other than scientific, no matter what you set it to.
  • Fixed bug where when exiting NG↑↑ and playing another mode the study costs would stay increased until page refresh.
  • Fixed NaN bug with omni-upgrade 6.
  • Still haven't imported Tree of Decay and the other recent Aarex updates. I'm waiting until he finishes Ghostify so I can do it all at once.
  • something big is coming...
  • Alpha 0.2 - February 2019 - I still hate doing things... but I did them anyway.

  • Aarex released yet another update, and I need to merge it with this one. Hopefully this stops happening so frequently...
  • NG↑↑ Updates:

  • Current expected late-game values are literally Infinity. Don't buy the 5th-8th time dimensions for now, it breaks stuff.
  • Added omni-challenges (WIP).
  • Created system where you need to get more gravitons to unlock new replicators.
  • Fixed the 0x multiplier to infinity dimensions and time dimensions when you have 0 gravitons.
  • Fixed the Infinitex multiplier to omni-dimensions when you have 0 replicators.
  • Fixed a bug that would display omni-dimensions as unbuyable when you had exactly the amount of OP as the cost.
  • Nerfed graviton multiplier exponent ( 7 > 4 ).
  • Nerfed replicator multiplier exponent ( 8 > 3 ).
  • Added 5 omnipotence milestones. They each require 5 times more omni-stat to unlock, and preserve more and more of the early game content, similar to eternity milestones and quantum speedruns.
  • Removed nerf on multiplier per 10 dimensions.
  • Post-infinity upgrade 3 makes galaxies an additional 19% stronger. (Nice.)
  • Free tickspeed upgrade threshold reduced ( 1.33 > 1.25 / 1.25 > 1.2 with time study 171 ).
  • Buffed time study 31's power ( 4 > 10 ).
  • Buffed time study 32. It now gets infinities based on dimension boosts squared.
  • Improved Eternity Upgrade 1's formula ( x+1 > x^1.5+1 ).
  • Improved Eternity Upgrade 2's formula ( (x/200)^log4(2x) > x^log(x)^3.75 ). It's the same as the post-1e12 eternities one from NG+++.
  • Improved Eternity Upgrade 3's base power ( 2 > 10 ).
  • Tachyon Particle rebuyable upgrade 3 quadruples the TP gain instead of tripling.
  • Time Theorem generation upgrade from time studies cost is increased ( 1e15 > 1e25 ).
  • All time studies before the light-dark splits cost 3 times as much. After that point they cost 100 times as much.
  • Other updates:

  • QoL completes all ECs at 1e1300 EP instead of completing them gradually, because it was way too overpowered.

    Broken stuff:

  • Tree of Decay isn't in this update yet.
  • NG↑↑ tabs don't hide in other modes.
  • Rewards for the last 2 achievements do not work.
  • NG---: Tickspeed Boost autobuyer is thoroughly broken... it doesn't work almost ever. I'm going to let Aarex fix this one, he said he'd work on NG---, I hope that means fixing it.
  • Alpha 0.1 - January 2019 - I hate doing things.

  • Right about now is when I took over from Aarex with development, at least of these mods. (I hope he's still working on stuff, and that it's easy to import into this so I don't have to rewrite everything.)
  • Fixed a bunch of issues with the mode selection UI.
  • Added Achievements++ and the QoL and Secrets mods. (Achievements++ isn't complete yet, there's still lots of things I need to add, which I'll do eventually.)
  • NG↑ Updates:

  • Started the Arrow Notation project, a series of mods that get you farther and farther into the late game.
  • Added NG^ as the first mod of the Arrow Notation set. (It's not under NG+ anymore.)
  • Added 4 new achievements for NG↑↑.
  • Added omni-dimensions and gravitons.
  • Added replicators.
  • Broken stuff:

  • The "Autobuyer Autobuyer" option from QoL is completely defunct. Pressing it will just toggle the Replicanti button. (It won't break anything, though.)
  • I somehow added a bug where the game will become completely unresponsive when you reload the page. It doesn't even pop up the stuck window. I could only fix it by clearing my local storage.
  • I planned to add the option of merging NGUd and NG+++ into one large super-lategame mod, NGUd+. You can start playing it - just click the NG++ button an extra time. Just don't ex-dilate or the game will crash.
  • NGUd definitely needs optimization (it lags when you buy black hole dimensions, especially when in NGUd+, and the black hole rendering itself is laggy at large sizes). I'll get around to fixing it at some point.
  • NGUd+ needs to be rebalanced - you can't get anywhere near enough TP for the first mastery studies upgrade, even with Secrets on.
  • Some of the loaded files are hidden by the mode selection UI.
  • NG-- flips its shit when you dilate time. It clearly wasn't designed with players actually making it to 13000 theorems in mind, since its massive buffs were created to counteract the dilation effect, and dilation doesn't slow down the game's progress any more. The result is that the player gets a ton of tachyon particles and quickly exceeds the 1e9Qa softcap, which crashes the game.
  • The NG--- Tickspeed Boost autobuyer will always buy up to the number in its Bulk Buy box, even if the maximum can't be afforded, as long as you can buy at least 1 tickspeed boost.

  • Prior changes

  • September 2018
  • August 2018
  • Pre-August 2018
  • Base game