

  • Added an achievement reward for "I already got rid of you...": Generate time theorems based on your best-ever tachyon particles.
  • Added a best-ever TP stat in dilation tab, but won't be shown until you get "I already got rid of you" achievement.
  • Made QC1 possible.
  • Made QC rewards less confusing.
  • Replaced the sixth gluon upgrade row with 2 new gluon upgrade rows.
  • Made last 3 Paired Challenges possible with the help of 6 new mastery studies, but one replaced the old TS301.
  • Balanced the goal of paired challenges with QC1/6 assigned.
  • Doubled the cost of TS301.
  • Nerfed boosted QC2 reward for completing a Paired Challenge that has QC2.
  • Added boosted QC4 - 8 rewards if you complete a Paired Challenge that has a corresponded challenge.
  • Faster bulk buy galaxies performance! (It uses logarithmically less calculations)
  • Faster performance for disabling dilation with gaining Tachyon particles.
  • Shortened the text for QK gain rate peak amount.
  • Code refactoring.
  • Fixed a bug that starting an Eternity Challenge would break replicanti amount as non-Decimal.
  • Fixed a bug that quantum time increases slower while you are running EC12.
  • Fixed a bug that last 10 quantums does not change when switching notations.

  • 8/30/2018

  • Added quarks amount for QK peak gain rate. (Thanks to Garnet420!)

  • 8/29/2018

  • Added NG+++ server link.
  • Fixed a bug that importing unported NG++ saves fails to load.

  • 8/28/2018

  • Balanced QC5 to QC8.
  • Buffed QC8 reward to 3x faster.
  • Increased the cost of Paired Challenges to 4e85.
  • Buffed 6e15 gluon upgrades by a little.
  • Increased the costs of 6e15 gluon upgrades to 7e15.
  • Added the costs for TS291 and TS292 and made these works.
  • Added TS301. That is only time study added in this changelog.
  • Added the notice when you are trying to export and import all saves.
  • Code refactoring.
  • Fixed a bug that the units for eternity button is wrong without 1e13 eternities milestone and while dilated.
  • Fixed a bug that using my custom theme, hovering an affordable time study would not change the colors.
  • Fixed a bug that exporting and importing all saves may cause huge lag.
  • Fixed a bug that 7e15 BR gluon upgrade is too strong.

  • 8/26/2018

  • Updated eternity button text and "peak mode" eternity autobuyer thanks to Garnet420.
  • Added progress bar support for meta dimensions tab.
  • Changed colors for quantum requirement progress bar.
  • Added more progress bars for QK gain and Quantum Challenge goal.
  • Balanced QC costs and goals.
  • Added more placeholder mastery studies.
  • Code refactoring.
  • Fixed a bug that if you respec with no difference for time theorem amount, you would get a secret achievement.
  • Fixed a bug that you can get higher amounts of tachyon particles if you cancel the second eternity confirmation.
  • Fixed a bug that using my custom theme, your quark amount would have different color for a while after quantum.
  • Fixed a bug that if you go quantum after you have 3h speedrun done and enabled 4.5h speedrun reward, you would keep mastery studies.
  • Fixed a bug that eternity autobuyer take 10x less time to eternity when EP peak never changes. (Thanks to Garnet420)
  • Fixed a bug that the game breaks outside of NG+++. (because most people submitted the bug)

  • 8/25/2018

  • Better performance for dimension costs display update. (thanks to Garnet420)
  • Added time in this quantum in the header. They will appear when you go quantum for the second time and disappear when you got 30s speedrun milestone. (added by Garnet420)
  • Repharsed the description of 4m milestone reward.
  • Reduced the requirement of quantum challenge study to 15,700 electrons.
  • Reduced the base cost for all row 28 time studies to 5e82. (calculated by a cost multiplier for buying all time studies above)
  • Also reduced the base cost for all row 29 time studies to 5e82. (calculated by the same above)
  • Reduced the cost multiplier increase for buying row 29 time studies to 4x.
  • Removed buff effects for normal, infinity, and time dimensions in QC4.
  • Due to an important bugfix, I balanced most of quantum challenge content.
  • Buffed the effect of in-QC3 meta-antimatter by 25%.
  • Readded the cost scaling for in-QC4 meta-dimension boost costs.
  • Nerfed the effect for 3e15 RG gluon upgrade to 12%.
  • Replaced 3e15 GB and BR gluon upgrades with 2 new upgrades.
  • Doubled the cost for 3e15 gluon upgrades.
  • Code refactoring. (also thanks to Garnet420 for helping)
  • Fixed a bug that you can get exactly 0s eternities by holding enter on "Dilate time" button.
  • Fixed a bug that old formula show up when you go quantum after you got "The cap is a million, not a trillion" achievement.
  • Fixed a bug that respeccing with only time studies in mastery studies give you a secret achievement.
  • Fixed a bug that quantuming does not change the text of EP mult upgrade.
  • Fixed a bug that quantuming in under 1.5 minutes does not award you with 1.5m speedrun milestone until you go quantum in under 1.2 minutes.
  • Fixed a bug that "boosted" text does not change visibility while dilating time or disabling it.
  • Fixed a bug that TS281 and TS282 does not affect anything.
  • Fixed a bug that sacrificing galaxies does not reduce tickspeed.
  • Fixed a bug that buying a quark gain mult upgrade keep all of your gluons.
  • Fixed a bug that in QC2, galaxies affects IC3 reward multiplier.
  • Fixed a bug that you can buy electron upgrades while you are in QC.

  • 8/24/2018

  • Nerfed QC8 goal by e50 M.
  • Nerfed QC8 reward to 2x faster extra replicated galaxy scaling.
  • Added an another row of powerful gluon upgrades. This can be unlocked by unlocking paired challenges.
  • Added boosted QC1-4 rewards (only if you complete sub-challenges in paired challenges).
  • Fixed a bug that break infinity button was misplaced in non-NG--.

  • 8/23/2018

  • Changed the description of g31 upgrade.
  • Added and balanced all break infinity upgrades in NG-- before IC1!
  • Correctly balanced more achievement bonuses in NG--.
  • Reduced the cost of QC8 to 33.9 K electrons.
  • Code refactoring.
  • Fixed a bug that challenge 13 multiplier would show if you are reloading while you are playing Infinity Challenge 1.
  • Fixed a bug that quick resetting in challenge 14 also resets your bought tickspeed upgrades if you did not dimension shifted yet.
  • Fixed a bug that quick resetting in challenge 14 might breaks your bought tickspeed upgrades counter.
  • Fixed a bug that dimboosting in challenge 14 does not change anything but unlock a new dimension.
  • Fixed a bug that automated galactic sacrificing may show you a confirmation.
  • Fixed a bug that galactic sacrifice shortcut button would overlap with new Infinity Dimension button.
  • Fixed a bug that 70% stronger galaxies upgrade would display the percentage wrong in NG--.
  • Fixed a bug that importing old saves from original NG-- page would have wrong version for NG--.
  • Fixed a bug that tickspeed boosting may start with 0 dimension shifts.
  • Fixed a bug that buying max meta dimensions may break Meta-Antimatter amount.
  • Fixed a bug that going quantum would start with wrong antimatter amount.
  • Fixed a bug that NG-+-+-+ saves would have NG+-+-+ displayed in the description instead.
  • Fixed a bug that saves that you already quantumed in there would not have modes displayed in the description.

  • 8/22/2018

  • Added all pre-break content of NG--!
  • Added galactic sacrifice option in confirmation menu.
  • Shrinked confirmation menu options due to overlapping.
  • Moved Sacrifice autobuyer and Galactic Sacrifice autobuyer in NG-- to be similar to non-NG-- layout.
  • Balanced NG-- to a real corrected one. (except some calculations)
  • Removed "The Gods are pleased" achievement buff.
  • Code refactoring.
  • Fixed a bug that g33 upgrade multiplier is wrong when you have g33 upgrade until you buy g22 upgrade.
  • Fixed a bug that you would keep galactic upgrades when you have "That's fast" achievement instead of getting "Claustrophobic" achievement.
  • Fixed a bug that IC3 reward always multiply by non-NG-- formula while buying max tickspeed.
  • Fixed a bug that IC3 reward multiplier also increases by getting replicated and free galaxies.
  • Fixed a bug that quantum always fails because you would getting "Sub-atomic" achievement with its' old name.
  • Fixed a bug that you may have 0 IP and replicanti when you go quantum after you got 12 hours milestone.
  • Fixed a bug that getting "I already got rid of you..." achievement fails when you met the conditions.

  • 8/21/2018

  • Added the support of NG--'s Automatic Dimension Sacrifice challenge, but no reward and best challenge time. :(
  • Added NG--- mode!
  • Added more quick progress for your saves.
  • Added Tetration notation. (suggested and coded by Garnet420)
  • Code refactoring.
  • Fixed more bugs that NG-- no longer breaks up to Break Infinity.

  • 8/20/2018

  • Added more prehistoric stats.
  • Added everything of original NG-- into my port except challenges, break infinity upgrades, and more.
  • Tickspeed display in NG-- will now hide until you got under 1000 tickspeed.
  • Added Spreading Cancer stat in NG--.
  • Code refactoring.
  • Fixed a bug that banked infinitied gain stat is wrong if you have "No ethical consumption" achievement and time study 191.
  • Fixed a bug that all dilation studies in mastery studies always locked.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes, IC3 power multiplier would display with a lot of decimal points.
  • Fixed a bug that in NG--, there is no period in tickspeed display.

  • 8/19/2018

  • You know the drill. Actual changes are coming soon.
  • Added banked inf gain on next eternity stat. (made by AnteSocial)

  • 8/18/2018

  • Even more changes.
  • Even more balancing.
  • Even more code refactoring.
  • Even more bug fixes that I will explain these later.

  • 8/17/2018

  • Added 2 new quantum speedruns.
  • Added Quantum Challenges 7 and 8! This would finish the quantum challenge mechanic.
  • Added Paired Challenges! This mechanic would able you to run 2 quantum challenges at the same time for bigger rewards.
  • More balancing and code refactoring.
  • Fixed many bugs that I will explain these later.

  • 8/16/2018

  • Added more balancing for NG-- by dan-simon. One of these is suggested by pg132.
  • Added Quantum Challenge 6. This contains your memories of Infinity Challenges.
  • Faster max buy meta dimension performance! :D
  • Fixed a capitalization error for IC7 description.
  • Fixed a bug that IC8 decay multiplier resets when you reload.
  • Fixed a bug that you start the game with challenge confirmation off.
  • Fixed a bug that you always have "I never liked this infinity stuff anyway" NG++ reward when you got one.
  • Fixed a bug that quantuming almost breaks the game in NG++.
  • Fixed a bug that some text does not change when quantuming.
  • Fixed a bug that you don't get a reset notice while quantuming for the first time.
  • Fixed a bug that you can go to quantum tab in NG++.
  • Fixed a bug that quantum reset button does not hide for a bit when meta boosting or forced quantuming.
  • Fixed a bug that you can keep mastery studies when you got 2h speedrun milestone but you disabled 4.5h hours reward.
  • Fixed a bug that Hadronization achievement fails when you have no color charge and colored quarks but no red.
  • Fixed a bug that dilation mode of eternity autobuyer is on outside of NG+++ when you eternity.
  • Fixed a bug that you can make your tickspeed slower when having 100 RG gluon upgrade.
  • Fixed a bug that quantum challenges and electrons tab buttons always not hide when quantuming in under 2h.

  • 8/15/2018

  • Added more new features from original NG-- into my ported NG--.
  • In NG--, Fifth Dimension autobuyer challenge description is changed to "Does nothing".
  • Added the forgetten part of "That's Fast!" achievement description in NG--.
  • Added the reward for "To sub-atomic!". This was suggested by usavictor(?).
  • Added Quantum Challenge 5. This affects dimension boost cost scaling by a lot.
  • Meta dimension costs can now format shorter numbers.
  • Fixed a bug that Eighth Infinity Dimension percentage would not show when running Eternity Challenge 12.
  • Fixed a bug that Infinity Challenge 3 reward always multiply by 1.025x in NG--.
  • Fixed a bug that Eighth Dimension cost would not reduce after buying "Normal Dimensions are cheaper" upgrade.
  • Fixed a bug that importing NG-- save from original NG-- would cause to break the costs of all Dimensions.
  • Fixed a bug that you would keep banked infinities when quantuming in under 12 hours.
  • Fixed a bug that the minimum multiplier of QC4 reward is 10x if you completed QC4.
  • Fixed a bug that the game is broken if you have same amount of all 3 colored quarks.

  • 8/14/2018

  • Added the forgetten changes of Eternity Respecced from original version.
    (Because Eternity Challenges are coming soon into Eternity Respecced, I don't add these.)
  • Added the support of "Normal Dimensions are cheaper" upgrade.
  • Added "Distant Replicated Galaxies" cost scaling. After 3000 max galaxies, the cost will start to increase faster.
  • Added Quantum Challenge #4. This challenge is similar to Automatic Crunches challenge, but affecting all dimensions and have a new advantage!
  • Code refactoring.
  • Fixed a bug that autobuyer speedup buttons would not reappear when you reset the game or quantum until you reload.
  • Fixed a bug that in Eternity Respecced, replicanti is always capped at 1.79e308 if the interval is over 50ms.
  • Fixed a bug that in Eternity Respecced, buying a time study does not increase the bought amount of that.
  • Fixed a bug that in Eternity Respecced, respeccing will result as having less time studies than excepted.
  • Fixed a bug that in NG--, there is massive production of antimatter when buying the First Dimension for the first time.
  • Fixed a bug that in NG+++, migration would show up for some cases.
  • Fixed a bug that renaming the save that is not used would have different game modes.

  • 8/13/2018

  • Decreased all of TT electron upgrade costs by 10.
  • Increased the QC1 cost by 500.
  • Nerfed the QC1 goal by e340 M.
  • Buffed the QC2 goal by e2.55 B.
  • Decreased the QC3 cost by 100.
  • Nerfed the QC3 goal by e4.7 B.
  • Added more news ticker messages!
  • Code refactoring.
  • Fixed a bug that the sixth dimension would be still produced when you enter Automatic Dimboosts Challenge or Infinity Challenge 1.
  • Fixed a bug that the third dimension percentage shows up when you have no fifth dimension if you enter Automatic Crunches challenge.
  • Fixed a bug that you can start Infinity Challenges when unlocked if you can't break infinity.
  • Fixed a bug that short time display would formatted as Infinityy, NaNd, NaN:NaN:NaN for over 1.79e307 seconds.
  • Fixed a bug that replicanti interval would become Infinite for higher amounts of replicanti.
  • Fixed a bug that respec button in mastery studies does not change when eternitying or quantuming.
  • Fixed a bug that the quantum button overlapping if you did not quantumed and did not completed EC13 & 14 twice.
  • Fixed a bug that all infinity challenge boxes would disappear when quantumed.
  • Fixed a bug that you would have bonuses from dilation when you disabled 4.5 hours reward.
  • Fixed a bug that electrons and quantum challenges tab buttons would not disappear when you disabled 4.5 hours reward.
  • Fixed a bug that quantuming wouldn't implode after you did sub-1.5 min quantum.
  • Fixed a bug that dilated time production would break with second blue-red gluon upgrade when you did not sacrificed yet.
  • Fixed a bug that either time study 281 or 282 would be able to buy when you bought either time study 262 or 263 instead than time studies 272 & 273.
  • Fixed a bug that the goals of all other quantum challenges would be wrong when you enter a quantum challenge.
  • Fixed a bug that in NG++, the game would probably fails to load if you did not enter a quantum challenge.
  • Fixed a bug that news ticker would not show when reloading after you enabled the news ticker.

  • 8/12/2018

  • Added "move" buttons for time study presets.
  • Rebuyable dilation upgrade and meta-dimensions autobuyers now do ticks that is different than pre-dilation content autobuyers.
  • Reduced the initial goal of EC14 to e1,575,000 IP.
  • Quantum in NG++ now requires a single EC14 completion instead of 2 EC13 and EC14 completions.
  • Added 6 more quantum speedruns.
  • Added "electrons does nothing" restriction in quantum challenges.
  • The restriction of quantum challenges is now in quantum challenge confirmation.
  • Changed the goal quantity of quantum challenges to antimatter.
  • Balanced QC1 goal amount due to the previous change.
  • Added 2 new quantum challenges.
  • Added 3 placeholder dilation studies.
  • Added a new design of the changelog! Look nice?
    (unfortunately not added for other changelog pages)
  • Organized the past changes to sub-pages.
  • Fixed a bug that in Eternity Respecced, "Do you really need a guide for this" achievement gain works differently than non-ERS saves.
  • Fixed a bug that 8th Infinity Dimension percentage would display Infinite if you have no First Time Dimension and complete EC7.
  • Fixed a bug that 0x sacrifice boost would break 4th Time Dimension when you buy time study 227.
  • Fixed a bug that peak mode of eternity autobuyer does not work when soft resetting.
  • Fixed a bug that representation stat percentage is wrong for "waste life" section.
  • Fixed a bug that eternity challenge 14 breaks the game.
  • Fixed a bug that eternity autobuyer mode does not change if you have 12h speedrun milestone.
  • Fixed a bug that quantum does not work after you previously quantumed in under 1 minute.
  • Fixed a bug that the game fails to load and freezes while failing to identify the placement number of the save.
  • Fixed a bug that your current save would have the wrong placement number when deleting the save below it.
  • Fixed a bug that there would be new saves coming up in the load menu when reloading after you deleted the save.

  • 8/11/2018

  • Coming soon...

  • 8/10/2018

  • Coming soon...

  • 8/9/2018

  • Coming soon...

  • 8/8/2018

  • Coming soon...

  • 8/7/2018

  • Coming soon...

  • 8/6/2018

  • Added export/import all (by Naruyoko)

  • 8/5/2018

  • Coming soon...

  • 8/4/2018

  • Coming soon...

  • 8/3/2018

  • Coming soon...

  • 8/2/2018

  • Coming soon...

  • 8/1/2018

  • Coming soon...